BITS-F464: Machine Learning (Jan - May 2021)
Lab Sessions
- Schedule: Tuesday 6-6:50PM
- Link: labs would be conducted in online mode, here is the [googleMeet] link to join the same
- Language: We would use Python for the lab sessions. Install it on your machine. Google-collaboratory that is available online could also be used for the same.
- Submission would be done on NALANDA. Deadline would be till 12PM on next day of the lab session. NO further extention. Try to finish in 24hour.
- Evaluation labs would be evaluated. You can ask for any 7 to be evaluated. Three before mid-semester exam and four after mid semester exam. Marke obtained in best five would be considered.
- Lab sheets would be available before the session. You can work on them and ask doubs during the online session.
- Session-00 Self practice on Python [notebook]
Upload this notebook to your google drive, then left-click on the file to open with google-collaboratory.
- Session-01 (Jan 19, 2021) Liner Regression [notebook] [solution]
- Session-02 (Jan 28, 2021) Logistic Regression [notebook] [solution]
- Session-03 (Feb 02, 2021) PCA, SVD [notebook] [solution]
- Session-04 (Feb 09, 2021) Naive Bayes Classifier, Markov Models [notebook] [solution]
- Session-05 (Feb 18, 2021) Clustering [notebook] [solution]
- Session-06 (Feb 23, 2021) SVM [notebook] [solution]
- Session-07 (Mar 09, 2021) Decision Tree and Random Forest [notebook] [solution]
- Session-08 (Mar 16, 2021) Neural Networks [notebook] [solution]
- Session-09 (Mar 23, 2021) Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) [notebook] [solution]
- Session-10 (Mar 31, 2021) Advanced Computer Vision Applications [notebook] [solution]
- Session-11 (April 06, 2021) Advanced Computer Vision Applications (contd..) [notebook] [solution]
- Session-12 (April 13, 2021) Reinforcement Learning [notebook]
- Session-13 (April 20, 2021) Natural Language Processing [notebook]
- Session-14 (April 27, 2021) Generative Adversarial Networks [notebook]